The p-NP group is bonded to a maltose oligosaccharide with a blocked end by ethylidene. α-amylase reacts with the substrate producing lower chain oligosaccharides that, after the action of α-glucosidase, liberate the p-NP coloured group. The Abs at 405 nm is directly related to α-amylase activity of the sample.
Determination of amylase activity, in sera or urines, is used for assessing the possibility of chronic or acute pancreatitis.
An 80% of patients suff ering from acute pancreatitis have elevated values during the first 24 hours. Serum amylase values may be elevated in patients with parotitis, intestinal obstruction, cholecystitis, diabetic ketoacidosis or peritonitis and in chronic alcoholics. Some lung or ovarian tumours can give elevated values of amylase.
Single test result can not be used to make a clinical diagnosis. It should integrate clinical and laboratory data.
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