CK-MB LIQUID, 1 x 50 mL

For in vitro determination of CK MB fraction in serum or plasma.

State Liquid
Storage temp. +2 / +8 ºC
Technique Immunological method

Others Information


CK-MB is composed of two kind of subunits: M and B. A specifi c antibody inhibits the M subunit of the CK-MB and the CK-MM subunit not aff ecting the activity of the B subunit of the CK-MB and CK-BB isoenzymes.The remaining CK-MB activity, corresponding to the CK-B, is determined by the CK-NAC activated method.

The phosphate released from phosphocreatine by CK-B binds to ADP forming ATP, that reacts with glucose by the action of hexokinase producing glucose-6-phosphate and ADP. The glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase degrades this product to phosphogluconate at the same time that NADP+ reduces to NADPH. This last reaction is measured by the Abs change at 340 nm. In optimal conditions, the ΔAbs/min is proportional to the creatinkinase activity in the sample.



The CK-MB increases take place in myopathic diseases and infl ammatory diseases of the heart. In myocardial infarction, CK-MB activity increases rapidly. When serial determinations are performed it is observed that the maximum point is quickly reached with an also very quick decrease. A single test result can not be used to make a clinical diagnosis. It should integrate clinical and laboratory data.